Novedo appoints advisors and intends to convene an EGM in order to prepare for an IPO
Novedo has experienced strong growth since its first company acquisition in January 2021. In total, Novedo's pro forma net sales amount to approximately SEK 2.8 billion and EBITA to SEK 289.0 MSEK on an annual basis as of March 31, 2023. The market potential for continued profitable growth is good and as part of future capital raising Novedo has been conducting a so-called dual-track process for some time.
Within the framework of IPO activities, Novedo has mandated ABG Sundal Collier together with Carnegie Investment Bank as financial advisor and Gernandt & Danielsson Advokatbyrå as legal advisor.
In addition, the company's board of directors intends to convene an extraordinary general meeting to resolve on IPO preparatory resolutions, which includes amendments to the articles of association, share split and authorization for the board to resolve on a new issue of shares. In addition, the board intends to propose a directed new issue of shares in order to roll up the ownership of entrepreneurs who, in connection with the sale of their companies to Novedo, have reinvested in preference shares in the Company's subsidiary Novedo AB.
Notice of the Extraordinary General Meeting will be published through a separate press release. The notice with complete proposals will also be published on Novedo's website.