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Annual General Meeting

The Anual General Meeting is Novedo's highest decision-making body, where shareholders exercise their right to decide on important matters.  

All general meetings

At the Annual General Meeting resolutions are adopted concerning adoption of the company's income statement and balance sheet, disposition of the company's profit or loss, discharge from liability towards the company for the Board of Director's members and the CEO, the composition of the Nomination Committee, the election of members to the Board of Directors (including Chairman of the Board) and auditors, compensation to Board members and auditors, compensation guidelines for the CEO and other members of top management. 

The Annual General Meeting is to be held in Stockholm, before the end of June. In addition to the Annual General Meeting, extra general meetings can be held if necessary. Notice to the Annual General Meeting and extra general meetings where changes to the articles of association are to be considered, must be issued within the period of six to four weeks prior to the meeting. Notice is given through advertising in "Post- och Inrikes Tidningar and at The given notice must furthermore be announced in Dagens Industri. 

Right to participate

Shareholders listed in the register of shareholders, who have also registered for participation at the Annual General Meeting in accordance with the instructions and time frame specified in the notice, are entitled to participate in the general meeting and to vote for the full number of shares held.

Shareholder's right of initiative

Shareholders who wish to have a matter dealth with at the General Meeting must submit a written request to the Board of Directors. The request must normally be submitted to the Board no later than seven weeks before the general meeting.