Bulletin from the Extraordinary General Meeting of Novedo Holding AB (publ) on January 12, 2023
Extraordinary General Meeting in Novedo Holding AB (publ), org. No. 559334–4202 ("Novedo"), was held today, January 12, 2023, at Biblioteksgatan 29 in Stockholm, Sweden.
At the Extraordinary General Meeting, the following resolutions were passed:
Resolution on the number of Board members, new Board member and new Chairman of the Board
The EGM resolved to increase the Board from six to seven members through the election of new Board member Jan Johansson, who was also elected Chairman of the Board. Former Chairman of the Board Christer Hellström remains an ordinary member of the Board.
Jan Johansson was born in 1954 and has a law degree from Stockholm University. Jan has extensive experience from leading assignments within the Shell Group and Vattenfall AB and as President and CEO of Boliden AB (publ) and SCA AB (publ). Jan has also previously held board assignments for, among others, Svenska Handelsbanken AB and SSAB AB. Jan is currently Chairman of the Board of Serneke Group AB (publ), OrganoClick AB and Midsummer AB, Vice Chairman of Chinese Vinda and Board member of Kährs Holding AB (publ). Jan owns no shares in Novedo Holding AB (publ) and is independent in relation to the company, its management, and the company's major shareholders.
Other ordinary Board members elected at the Annual General Meeting in June 2022 until the end of the next Annual General Meeting are the members Mouna Esmaeilzadeh, Saeid Esmaeilzadeh, Christer Hellström, Mona Örjansdotter Johansson, Fredrik Lidjan and Erik Rune.
Resolution on fees to the Board of Directors
At the AGM in June 2022, it was resolved that fees to the Board of Directors shall be paid in the amount of SEK 300,000 to the Chairman and in the amount of SEK 150,000 to the ordinary member until the end of the next Annual General Meeting. The EGM resolved that the levels remain but that the total amount, on an annual basis, will be increased from SEK 1,050,000 to SEK 1,200,000 as a result of an increase in the number of Board members.
Board of Directors, Novedo Holding AB (publ)